A Note from ARDC

The Arrowhead Regional Development Commission (ARDC) is committed to providing a safe environment for both the people we serve and our employees. Following guidance from Governor Tim Walz and the Minnesota Department of Health, we are taking aggressive steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including the use of social distancing strategies.

ARDC is still working for northeast Minnesota. The staff of our three Divisions – ARDC Planning, the Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging, and the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council – are working remotely, and all agency services are still available. Some of our operations staff remain in our offices, but the public is not allowed access at this time.

Of particular importance is that the Senior LinkAge Line® ((800) 333-2433) is operating, addressing questions from our at-risk population and caregivers. Additionally, we are looking at ways to make our Revolving Loan Fund more focused on short term needs of businesses.

For now, we are offering meetings by phone, email, and video conference. We will keep people informed of any changes on our web site.

ARDC’s Management Team

COVID-19 Resources

Do you have questions about COVID-19, or the new coronavirus, in regards to where you live in northeast Minnesota? Please use the information about state and county resources below to start your search.

Minnesota Department of Health:

Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging:
Aging Resources –

Aitkin County:
Brea Hamdorf, Aitkin County Public Health – (218) 927-7256 or

Carlton County:
Public Health & Human Services – (218) 879-4511

Cook County:
Public Health (218) 387-3620

Itasca County:
Anna Anttila, Itasca County Public Health – (218) 327-2941 or

Koochiching County:
Health and Human Services –  (218) 283-7000 OR Toll-Free: 800-950-4630

Lake County:
Health and Human Services – (218) 834-8400 OR 218-226-4443

Saint Louis County:
Public Health – (218) 625-3600 (M-F, 8am-4:30pm)