Executive Director
Kristi Kane leads the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission (ARDC). She creates access to opportunities and connects communities to resources for healthy growth and revitalization. Her vision coincides nicely with ARDC’s mission to provide local units of government and citizens groups a means to work cooperatively in identifying needs, solving problems, and fostering local leadership.
ARDC has three divisions: ARDC Planning, the Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging, and the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council.
ARDC Planning serves as a regional and community planning consultant working to further northeast Minnesota as a great place to live, work, play, and learn.
The Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging (AAAA) works as a catalyst in building communities where seniors live with dignity, mutual respect, and shared responsibilities across generations and cultures.
The Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council (DSMIC) supports policy decisions and multi-modal infrastructure projects that provide effective transportation in the Duluth-Superior metropolitan area.
Division Leadership
ARDC’s division directors lead staff to bring communities, residents, and agencies together with the goal of a better northeast Minnesota for all.
Josh Bergstad and Beverly Sidlo-Tolliver guide the ARDC Planning’s land use planning and transportation planning efforts in the seven-county Arrowhead Region of Minnesota.
Rebecca Sash coordinates AAAA’s efforts in planning, technical support, and development of aging services for the seven-county Arrowhead Region of Minnesota.

Ron Chicka, AICP, directs the DSMIC’s overall administrative functions and provides oversight for transportation planning efforts in the Duluth-Superior metropolitan area.